Thursday, October 1, 2015

They Pulled Out The Big Guns Today!

I got what I was asking for.  I got Whole Body Hyperthermia today.  This is the reason why I came here and to this specific doctor.  Many people that are here will not get this treatment for a while, as their system is not ready for it, yet.

Let me explain:

I was prepped last night by withholding all food and liquid after mid-night.  I had infussions of some kind of lymphatic immune boost and cleanse.  Then I had a large infussion of saline.  This morning I was awaken early for an enema and more infussions.  I then got a phone call to go to the hyperthermia room.  I was told to get naked and crawl up on the mesh table.  Then I was outfitted with every kind of probe and monitor that you could imagine.  I awoke about 3 - 4 hours later soaking wet with sweat.

My body temp was increased to 107 degrees for over 2 hours while getting a low dose infussion of chemo.  The trick is keeping my brain cool.  Letting the brain heat up that much is deadly.

This procedure makes the chemo many, many times more effective.  This treatment is being tested at places like MD Anderson with great success, but is not even close to being ready in the U.S.  It is my understanding that my doctor here has been going to the U.S. to teach this technique.

But I thought that I could not have chemo????  Well, surprise! my blood counts were fabulous (except the cancer marker that has tripled).  I still have a lot of treatments over the next few weeks, but no more Hyperthermia for two months.  I will go home with a pill format of low dose chemo.

I am still in recovery after many hours and I am in & out of it.  They were surprised to walk in and see me sitting up working on the computer.  I am still getting infussions of some sort,  I am just too tired to ask what it is. I might be surprised what I wrote this when I come back and read this when I have my senses.  But I had to write this as I have many family and friends that are on pins and needles.

Heather, your precious mother paved the way for me.  I will always be grateful to her.

Let the cancer killing begin.!!!!!


  1. Oh, I'm so excited you're there and got the "full body" and your okay can be. Sounds like you may be exhausted from that..but I know it killed c cells! Great Birthday ������❤

  2. Wow,that sounds so exhausting! Rest up, you must be worn out....sending ((((hugs)))) and prayers!
