Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Continued Treatments!

I have been asked for more details about my treatments.  So here it goes:
I start everyday with Local Hyperthermia.  This is a machine that heats up a very specific part of your body.  We have been alternating between my liver and my lower abdomen.  This machine does not feel hot to the touch as it rests on my body, but my head always starts sweating a lot.  I do this for an hour for 6 days per week.

While I am tied down to that machine they start my infussions.  I get I.V. bags of medicine for my lymph system, body cleanses, vitamin Bs, vitamin C and the sort.  I do this every day and sometimes I am dragging the I.V. pole around with me, from treatment to treatment.  

After that, they slide a big ring around my body...it is a bit like an open MRI machine, but smaller.  This is the Magnetic Field Therapy.  They turn it on and I sit in that for about 20 minutes for 6 days a week.

The nurses that attend to the therapies, above, are all German.  Some understand me when I am talking to them and others don't.  I can tell you not to mess up your I.V. or you will get into trouble.  And you had better be on time for your therapy or they will hunt you down.  

I love love love the 3 days a week that I get reflexology (a bit like a massage for my feet) and the upper body massage.  I always fall asleep.  A beautiful Phillipean girl named Rochelle do these treatments.  She speaks excellent German and hates the winters here.  

I have physio therapy three times a week.  I have a trainer that directs me working out on weights.  This is a pitiful attmept to strengthen some muscles.  I like my German therapist.  He is quite young and was raised in Koln.  

I get ozone treatments twice a week.  I think that I explained this in an earlier post.  

I get shots in the belly a few time each week.  I take a hand full of pills 3 times each day.  This includes my chemo pill every morning.  I have sublingual drops that I have to do once each week.  I have given up asking what each pill is.  It is usually something in German that I have google.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I really wanted to know what all your doing, and how are you feeling??������
