Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Are You Feeling Any Better?

Since I have been here just over a week the new comers are asking me how it is going.

My mind & spirit is healthy and happy.  My poor little body is exhausted and in more pain than ever. My morphine was doubled yesterday and so were the number of other pills I take.  The doctors want me to take more time resting.  They understand the severity of my type of cancer.  I have been given no hope or dreams of success.  But God answers my prayers for happiness and quality time with my daughter.

We are getting to have the reputation of being the fun patients amoung the doctors and nurses.  There is always something funny to laugh about especially when Kristin is vidoeing everthing I am doing and getting done.  I am happy that my experience is being documented, but it is being done at the cost of any privacy at all.  Well, if it helps others...then O.K.!

On top of all of the treatments I can not believe they are making me lift some weights.  I thought that was for the healthy people.  But since they also consider me a healthy patient with cancer they are putting me through the paces.

Today, a new treatment was added.  They start an I.V. and remove some of my blood, add ozone, mix it all around and return it to my veins.  It is a good thing that I am not scared of the sight of blood.


  1. Thank you. I was concerned about your pain & rest as usual. We know that God is in control and wants what's best for us. Ily & praying ��

  2. Always keeping you and Kristin in my thoughts and prayers. Mom and dad send their love and prayers. I took them to St Augustine and took the Red Train Tour so your ears must have been burning or itching 😀 Now about those rock hard abs of yours you are hiding behind the waddle? Love you and miss you and see you when you return 👍
