Thursday, March 6, 2014

So, What Did the Doctor Say?

This was the first time I have seen my doctor since surgery.

The CA125 cancer markers is down to 21 - normal.  I am so excited about that.  However, this does not mean the cancer is completely gone, but it is a huge indicator that it is close.  The doctor said that I have healed from surgery beautifully.  So, I have two more sessions of chemo left and then CT scans to confirm that nothing has changed.  I will then be declared NED - No Evidence of Disease.

He told me that there are likely still cancer cells in me, but since they can not detect them they can not treat them.  That is what makes this cancer so dangerous.

He told me to keep up the amazing attitude.  I have never seen this doctor smile so much.  He just could not stop smiling.  He has never met anyone quite like me.  But, seriously, who has?


  1. I love hearing news like this!!! I'm glad you are healing from surgery well and I'l still chuckling at your text the other night. That made my week!!!

  2. You realize that you are going to have to change the title of your blog. Drop the word "Future".........think its time to do that? Will be soon!
