Thursday, September 24, 2015

For Whom Do I Fight?

As I pack for the next leg of this journey many thoughts are going through my mind.  When I found out that I had cancer two years ago I knew that I had to fight for ME.  Then when the cancer returned so suddenly I figured it was just my time to go.  But my beautiful daughter threw her arms around me and begged me to fight because of HER.  She was my saving grace at that point.  She wants me to be a huge part of her life. Then my niece kept me going by cheering me on and saying, "Aunt Cheryl, you can do this."  This was early this year when I trully did not think that I was going to make it.  I was on oxygen and in a wheel chair.  It took a lot of support to keep me going.

And all the while, you all are out there praying and praying and praying.  I am positive that I have over 10,000 people praying for me.  Now, I realize that I am doing this for all of you, too.  I want every one of your prayers to be worth your time.  I want you to see God's Amazing grace in your face.  I want you to see miracles the way I do.

I am going to Germany for alternative cancer treatment and I am fighting for ME, My daughter and niece and I am fighting for YOU.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving one more wonderful reason to keep my head up. (by the way, I have no idea why my iPad is putting a line under all of this.  I don't have the engery to care.)

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