Monday, November 3, 2014

Where Did You Get That Hair?

My hair is growing in like I have never seen it.  I have the chemo curl/frizz.  When I get up in the morning I look like I have an afro.  When I get ready to go somewhere I wet it and then put a handful of goop in it.  I then twist it all over to create beautiful curls.  Everyone tells me that they love it, but I am not thrilled with it.  I remember the days of the long straight hair that was put up in a pony tail when it was not cooperating.  This mess takes a lot of work.

Most people want to know if I will keep it short.  Heck! No!  I am not sitting for an hour or two every few weeks to get a hair cut.  I want it to grow as long as it can.  Since I don't have any grey hair I can grow it out and donate it to "Locks of Love".  They make wigs for children with medical issues.  I did that when I cut it for preparation for chemo.  I am sure that some child somewhere in this world is loving shiny new wig. 

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