Friday, December 18, 2015

And Things Do Change Fast.

I did extremely well with the lower dose of Gemzar through the use of Hyperthermia.  Wonderful!

But I had to get a traditional dose of Gemzar just one week later.  Now, hold on.  I am positive that I vomited my toes up.  I am so weak and really pretty depressed after what this session of chemo has done to me.  The protocol is to get the Gemzar once a week for three weeks and then take a week off. At this point, we are not sure if I can take it two weeks on and two weeks off.  Maybe a can take a dose once a month and that at a reduced rate.

Additionally, I have had fluid drained from my abdomen 4 times since I have been here.  It is not that different than the protocol in the U.S.  Except for one old doctor that showed up whose training did not include any kind of numbing medication.  He could have had be bight down on a nail or something.  It took two nurses to hold me down.  We got the job done, but I hope that doctor understood what I thought of him in my southern English vernacular.

I am returning home with a very heathy liver and a very healthy lymph system.  It takes some time to see if the chemo is the right one for this cancer.  However, I remain unable to eat or drink anything.  This is a depressing state of affairs since Christmas is coming up and all of my favorite dishes will be served.

It has been suggested that I puree the food.  But I can not even get water through.  It will sit in my tummy for a short amount of time and then come right back up.

All I want for Christmas is for my cancer to go away!  There are so many around the world that are suffering far worse, but my reality for me is very difficult for me to deal with right now.

Keep Praying.


  1. Cheryl,
    We love you. Tom and Barbara and family. Always praying.

  2. That's al I want for Christmas too. For you to be healed. Praying:)

  3. That's al I want for Christmas too. For you to be healed. Praying:)

  4. That's all I would wish for!!! Always in my thoughts!
