Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Forever Changed!

Cancer and its treatment has forever changed my life.  I am a month and a half out of treatment and I feel that everyone thinks I am back to my old self.  I will never be back to my old self.

I am not cured...there is not a cure.  I am in remission.  That means that cancer cells are still present in my body.  I have to remain extremely healthy, stress free and rested to have the best chance of staying in remission.  It is overwhelming to think that only 18% of people with this cancer will live 5 years.  After 5 years that survival rate drops drastically. 

The side effects of chemo and multiple surgeries will last for years.  NOW is when I try to flip my thinking and let the twinges of pain and the scars be a reminder of God's amazing grace. I do look forward to the days when I don't think about cancer, when every ache or pain does not make me think that the cancer is back.  Will I ever be able to forget?

We have all received those encouraging emails that tell us not to take life for granted, to enjoy every second of everyday with the ones that we love...we never know when our last day is on this earth.  So, if I tell you that I love you, I mean it.  I value my life a little more than I did before.  I value the people in my life a lot more than I did before.

Life on this earth is a very tiny spot on our timeline of eternal life.  We are meant to make the most of this life and try to make as big of a positive impact as we are capable of making.

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