My daughter and I just got back from a two day trip to MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. I blood tests and CT scans of my pevis, abdomen & chest. This is the triple contrast test that I just love so much. I have to drink the contrast, have it put in through I.V. and enema. The results absolutely floored me.
They consider the cancer to be stable. I had to keep asking if they had the right test results for the right person, because my pain level has increased so much that I thought the disease had increased so much. My last physical exam resulted in a very concerned gynocologist with the much larger tumors that he felt. It turns out that what he felt was a shift in tumors because of increase fluid pressing down on the tumors and putting in a place that he could identify better.
There is a slight increase in the size of some of my lymph nodes, but tumors are not changing much.
So, we stay the course. We continue with the same chemo.
Doctors are exstactic over this news.
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