Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Video Memories!

One of my long-time friends lost her battle to ovarian cancer about 5 years ago.  Her daughter was by her side, almost exactly the way my daughter is by mine.  She stated that the one thing she misses is her mother's voice.  She is in fear that she is forgetting what she sounded like.  So, I am working on doing something to remedy that for my daughter.

I started writing her letters and everyone keeps suggesting that some of it be in videos.  I have done my first two videos and I am just rambling.  The last thing I want to do is to start crying on the video.  As I am making the video it runs through my mind that my daughter will see this after I am gone.  It is hard to keep a stiff upper lip when you are cycling those kinds of thoughts.

I want these videos to be a happy recount of many things we have done over the past 21 years or so.  Things like the time I hurt my back jumping on the bed with her and when I hurt my back slip n' sliding in the yard.  I had put too much soap on it and went right off the end of the plastic.  The grass ripped my bikini off and I had to run into the house naked.  Seriously, this stuff happens to us.  And I am going to try to make a video memory of as much as I can.

This is getting fun.  Can you imagine the blessing this will be for her one day.


  1. You have always been a fun girl w an awesome sense of humor! At least you didn't pee on Winston from laughing so hard!! Love you��

  2. You leave memories wherever you go....I can only imagine what your daughter remembers about you and all you have done with her and for her. Haul out some pictures and tell her about them. Get OLD pictures and tell her about them! Tell her what kind of girl you were in middle school and high school. These are things that can be passed on to HER children too. God bless you, Cheryl. You are selfless and mindful in your time of need. God bless you.
