The food here is unbelievably fresh and organic. I kinda cleaned myslef out juicing. It is so nice to walk into the dining room and there are bowls of fruits and veggies all prepared and ready to just drop in the juicer. I am surprised at some of the food that they let us eat. Although there is little sugar, there is still beautiful pastries and breads. In the afternoon they put out wonderful fresh cakes.
The town is tiny and cute as a button. There are many, many miles of hiking and biking trails with almost a dozen ancient looking faucets with spring water free flowing out of them. It is encouraged to drink this mineral water with "healing properties", but you have to get past the taste of some of them. People flock here on the weekends to take advantage of the beautiful scenery to get there exercise. The average age here must be 70-years old. I have been too busy to get out much, but I do try to take a little walk later in the day when treatment is finished. Just breathing the cool crisp air seems a bit healing.
Everyone is so very nice here. The patients are from all over the world, but I primarily see folks from Australia & Omon. I understand that Omon pays for their citizen's treatments and Australia simply has a bad medical system. Everyone else here is like me, on their last leg.
I am feeling so blessed to be here. Thank you so very much for your continued support, love & prayers.