After every three chemo treatments I have to go through blood tests and CT scans of my pelvis, abdomen & chest. This is to determine if the chemo is working.
I had the latest tests on Monday and met with my oncologist on Tuesday.
I have to admit that I cried when I got the test results. I did not cry because I was happy or sad. I can only say that it was just a release of so many emotions.
The results change in many of my tumors and lymph nodes. There is some reduction in size in many more of the lymph nodes and tumors. The peritoneal cancer also has not changed. The best part of these results is that the cancer is not getting worse and there is no new growth.
I have to go for three more months of chemo and then CT scans again. So thankful that I am not a candidate for surgery, yet. I do not think that I or my family are ready for that, right now.
Our prayer is that this chemo cocktail continues to work, even if it is working slowly.
Continued prayers for you and your family.