Tuesday, March 3, 2015

It Just Keeps Getting Better!

O.K.  That is sarcasm!  I am so over this.  

My lungs are filling with fluid.  I could feel it, but an x-ray, today, confirmed it.  There really is not much that can be done about it.  It is building in my lungs because I don't breathe deeply enough.  I don't breathe deeply enough because my abdomen is so full of fluid and it hurts to breathe.

I am doing deep breathing exercises, now  Let's hope that helps.  If it gets worse I have to have it drained.  That is a bigger ordeal when they have to go between your ribs to insert a drainage tube.  I went through this the first time I had cancer.  

I get to have all of the fun!  Keep, Praying!  I still need you!

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE always on God's mind. He has not forgotten about you. You may feel dropped because of your circumstances, but God is the lifter of your head. He's breathing new life into your spirit. Remember that He has you in the palm of His hand. Thank God for what He has done. Your life is going to be filled with laughter, happiness and unspeakable joy. YOU ARE GOD'S masterpiece......Joel Osteen
