Since the first dance with chemo did not last long (6 - month remission), I think I will look into alternatives.
I am in a study at the University of Florida that may show some improvement in the growth of this cancer. It is a non-toxic therapy that will not make my hair fall out. So far the pills are only giving me a little tummy ache and I am taking 8 - 10 pills a day. I need to double that amount, but that may take me a month to ramp up that high.
The AMAZING stem cell researchers at UF that I am hooked up with, are helping me find the right treatments. They are suggesting an oncology immunologist. I am looking at MD Anderson and UF, at the moment.
I have a precious friend that just finished some kind of gene therapy at the National Institute of Health. I am in the process of getting my oncology records sent to them.
In cases of re-occurrences of cancer, patients clamor for new trial programs. We want a cure, not just something that may or may not work. We face problems with our body becoming drug intolerant and our body will reject groups of drugs. In many cases the doctors run out of drugs/treatments/therapies for patients. So we look for the next hopeful thing...whether it is traditional medicine or non-traditional.
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