Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Go Gators!

I am feeling fabulous on the new product created by the brilliant Stem Cell Researchers at UF.  Just like all cancer treatment it seems to work on some folks and not on others.

The biggest change for me is the ketogenic diet.  I thought I ate relatively sugar free, but when you take into account the carbs in the fruits and veggies that I eat it is overwhelming.  I have only reached my goal 1 day in the last week.  It seems that carrots are mostly carbs and when I have just bought 5 lbs of carrots, I am going to eat them.  So until these carrots are gone my carb ratio will be too high for the likes of this diet.

I am still smiling and hopeful.

Thank you for all of the prayers.  I am feeling the effects of every single one of them.

Monday, December 15, 2014

What Next!

Since the first dance with chemo did not last long (6 - month remission), I think I will look into alternatives.

I am in a study at the University of Florida that may show some improvement in the growth of this cancer.  It is a non-toxic therapy that will not make my hair fall out.  So far the pills are only giving me a little tummy ache and I am taking 8 - 10 pills a day.  I need to double that amount, but that may take me a month to ramp up that high.

The AMAZING stem cell researchers at UF that I am hooked up with, are helping me find the right treatments.  They are suggesting an oncology immunologist.  I am looking at MD Anderson and UF, at the moment.

I have a precious friend that just finished some kind of gene therapy at the National Institute of Health.  I am in the process of getting my oncology records sent to them.

In cases of re-occurrences of cancer, patients clamor for new trial programs.  We want a cure, not just something that may or may not work.  We face problems with our body becoming drug intolerant and our body will reject groups of drugs.  In many cases the doctors run out of drugs/treatments/therapies for patients.  So we look for the next hopeful thing...whether it is traditional medicine or non-traditional.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Sweetest Thing Happened To Me!

I was in the elevator at MD Anderson and was behaving in my usual cheerful silly way...just chatting away with my mother.  With us were two Islamic women with the black head scarves draping their faces.  They were so beautiful that I had to smile at them.  All of a sudden the much younger says, "she wants to give you this".  I looked over and the older one handed me a beautiful hand made heart shaped pillow that was obviously hand made.  It was about the size of a dinner plate.  As surprised as I was, I very graciously took the pillow and hugged her.  She hugged me back and kissed me on the right shoulder.  I kept thanking her, because I was so touched by her actions. 

These women really touched my heart.  I am not sure why God put them in my path that day, but that little gesture meant so much more to me than I can express.  I was so humbled by this. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

And Then There Was More!

They need to stop looking for cancer.  Every time they look, there is more, more, more!

Most recently my oncologist notes read like this, "the patient had an elevated CA-125 above a 900... that is an all time high.  The CT shows evidence of significant progression of disease with interval development of ascites and peritoneal carcinomatosis, significant progression of disease with enlarged lymphadenopathy, primarily of the left gastric and portacaval chain, right internal mammary chain, and probably left supraclavicular chain, most likely small bowel ileus. Infiltrating serosal disease cannot be excluded."

The supraclavicular chain of lymph nodes go up the neck and into the brain.  That is an exciting place to have cancer.  Maybe that would explain the extreme headaches that I have on the left side of my head.

Stay posted for exciting updates.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Peritoneal Carcinomatosis!

This is what the clinic notes say that I have.  This is only small part of the big picture.

"Peritoneal carcinomatosis is a rare type of cancer that affects the peritoneum, which is the thin layer of tissue that surrounds the organs in your abdominal cavity, as well as the abdominal cavity itself. Fluid fills the space between the layers to offer extra cushioning as the organs bump around in your body
Peritoneal carcinomatosis develops when existing abdominal cancers, including appendix, colon, rectal, and pancreatic cancers, spread into the peritoneum. This causes tumors to grow throughout the peritoneum. The spread of an abdominal cancer to the peritoneum usually means that your abdominal cancer is in an advanced stage"

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's Baaaaack!

The cancer is back.  It is in the lymph nodes around my aorta and vena cava.  It is also in the lymph nodes around my stomach and liver.  I still have a lot of options if God is willing to let me live. 

I am so excited for the next chapter of cancer. I have so many more lives to touch.  I can make a huge impact in the time I have left.

I remain stupidly positive and I am ready for battle with God by my side.