I would:
keep my struggle very public. I need the support of UNF, other friends and family. I am not sure how people go through something so severe and not need other people. Because everyone knew what I was dealing with they knew how to pray for me, they knew when I needed help, they were able to excuse my confusion from chemo brain...
still get the second opinion. I feel like I got the best care possible by forgoing Mayo Clinic and by choosing to go to MD Anderson. Red flags went up when the doctor at Mayo told me that I was stage 3C and he did not need to look into my chest, because he is "just that good". Just because they are doctors does not mean that they know everything. If you have questions or concerns then do something about it. If the doctor gets mad about your questions, then they are NOT the doctor for you. The most deadly sin in the bible is PRIDE. That ego could have killed me.
continue to not cover my head. I have opportunities to witness to people that approach me. I get to tell them about God's grace in my life.
keep this positive attitude. Some thought I was ignoring or not properly accepting what I was dealing with. Oh! I promise that when you hear the word cancer, you know exactly what you are dealing with. I have always heard that a positive attitude heals. So I decided that I am strong enough to put "mind over matter" and I did it. I was not going to let any of this ruffle me. I admit I was scared of chemo...for good reason, but I made it.
still continue to work. I needed to get up and go to work instead of lying around the house. I was productive and still very helpful to my students. It kept me from thinking about myself. Sure, there were days that I did not feel well, but it was worth it. As a leader I try to set a good example. Many think that staying home to rest is what I needed to do, but I disagree in my case. I love my job and sitting at a computer and on the phone did not hurt me one bit. I did slow down and delegate a lot of work. I quit doing any public speaking, because it does tire me out.
still show my daughter how to stay calm, but still fight and remain strong in the face of a challenge. Although I want everyone to learn from me...it is my daughter that I most want to impact.
Beautiful Cheryl.