"Job experienced extreme pressures. Imagine how he felt when everything in his life seemed to go wrong. (Job 3:3, 11) Making matters worse, he did not fully understand why all those things happened to him. Still, he never gave up. He maintained his integrity and his faith in God. (Read Job 27:5.) What a fine example for us to imitate!"
Challenges can be permitted in our lives to undermine our faith in God. We frequently hear, "how can a good and just God let this happen to me?" Because we grow when we are tested and pass the test. I personally tend to look for the things that I can be thankful for in a bad situation.
"We need to focus on positive things. God’s Word tells us: “A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed.” (Prov. 15:13) Medical researchers have long recognized the curative value of positive thinking. Many patients given sugar pills (placebos) have experienced relief of symptoms simply because they thought they were getting help. The opposite, called the nocebo effect, has also been demonstrated. Patients’ health deteriorated simply because they were told that a drug would have negative effects. Constantly dwelling on situations we cannot change may only tear us down. On the positive side, God does not give us “sugar pills.” Rather, even in times of disaster, he gives real help through the encouragement found in his Word, our support system, and the strength provided by the holy spirit. Focusing on these things will lift us up. Instead of dwelling on negative events, do what is practical to cope with each problem and focus on the positive aspects of your life.
And remember Job complained and wanted to confront God face to face to ask why he deserved to be punished. In short, God's answer: "You don't know what I know". Something we all should remember when questioning what is happening to us.