Monday, February 17, 2014


Recovery from surgery, to have a few parts removed, is going well.  My boss was brilliant enough to get tough with me and order me to work from home last week (as I was able).  He knows that I like to be at work "come hell or high water".  He does not yell, but he almost came close. 

I know, you all are jealous that I have such a fabulous boss.  You should be.  Believe me, he knows how to get work out of me, but he also knows when to tell me to shut it down. 

Anyway, back to me, I am still a little sore and can not move really fast, but I am upright.  It is tough to roll over in bed  and to squat & pull weeds in the flower beds...what?...why am I pulling weeds in the flower beds?  Oh!  I have to do a little something every time I walk to the mail box in my Pajamas.  Now, you know why my boss has to get tough with me. 



  1. Glad to hear you are up and getting around. Take it slow. Continuing prayer.
