I have finished my third round of chemo. Blood tests show that my CA125 cancer antigen marker is 225. That is down from almost 800. This number could fluctuate back up and down, but it is fantastic news and means that I am responding to treatment. Yeah! The goal is to get down below 30 (the normal - no cancer range).
In about 3 weeks are ct scans of the pelvis, abdomen and chest areas. Since chemo has started a small lump in my breast has grown into a much larger one. This means that diagnostics on my breasts will also begin.
These tests will determine if I continue chemo for three more rounds or if I go for a massive de-bulking (surgery to remove all of the cancer). Because the surgery is such a big deal I really want the cancer to have been reduced by the chemo as much as possible. The surgery could take more than 10 hours and require a week in Intensive Care and additional weeks in the hospital.
There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Just some of us have to look harder for it than others.
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